1. A conversation with Bill langham

Nov 22, 2020

Brendan Kirk, our 2020/21 troop historian, has undertaken an oral history project to capture some of the story of scouting in Rye. He started by interviewing two former scoutmasters, Bill Langham and William Haigney, both of whom have many decades of experience with the troop, along with our current scoutmaster, Garrick Gelinas.


Brendan’s first interview was with the original “Old Goat”, Bill Langham. Mr. Langham served as scoutmaster for many years and we are thankful he remains on board as an assistant scoutmaster today. He has kept notes, and collected documents and artifacts over the years to help keep the troop’s historical memory alive. In this conversation, Mr. Langham reminisces about his time as a boy scout and his enduring love of scouting. 

Play the interview here

2. A conversation with William Haigney

Feb 6, 2021

Mr. Haigney, also a former scoutmaster, has been in scouting for 50 years, starting as a Cub scout in the 1960’s. He continues to work as a merit badge counselor and supporter of the troop.

Play the interview here

3. A conversation with Garrick M. Gelinas, Scoutmaster

Feb 7, 2021

4. A conversation with JOHN GRAHAM, FORMER Scoutmaster

April 11, 2021

5. A conversation with John Tobin, FORMER Scoutmaster

October 30, 2021

6. A conversation with Paulo Zangiacomi, FORMER Scoutmaster


Mr. Gelinas has been Rye Troop 2’s Scoutmaster since 2018. In this conversation, he tells the story of how he came to lead the troop and how important scouting has been to him and the Rye community. Mr. Gelinas sings in this interview, so not to be missed!

Play the interview here

Mr. Graham was Rye Troop 2’s Scoutmaster between 2000 and 2006. Brendan interviewed Mr Graham and talks about his scouting journey.

Play the interview here

Mr. Tobin is another legendary former Scoutmaster. Mr. Tobin reminisces about his time as a scout as a young man. Mr Tobin is still highly involved with our troop and is a merit badge counsellor for several topics.

Play the interview here

Brendan gets to spend some time with another giant of Rye Scouting Mr. Z. Mr Z talks about starting his scouting career back in Brazil in 1977. Mr Z. led our troop between 2012 and about 2015. Mr. Z is still an invaluable asset to our troop and is helping lots behind the scenes.

Play the interview here