Annual Medical, Consent & Release Form
This reports results of annual scout physical and must be filled out and signed annually by the parents of all Scouts and then scanned and sent to
Required to be filled out and signed by Parents of any Scout going on a Rye Troop 2 event (No Exceptions!).
Used to permit scout to participate in scouting activities
BSA New Adult Registration Form
Register adults for MB counseling, Asst Scout Master, Committee Member
BSA New Scout Registration Form
Used to register a new scout with BSA - and receive a scout ID number
Used to record hours performed on a service project
This form provides our host organization, Rye Presbyterian Church, with a liability release from participating scouts
This form is to be submitted annually by each scout.
Sample Tour Plan Required by Council of all out of Council trips
Tour Plan Form Required of all trips out of Council to be modified as needed